If you’re shaking your head, “NOPE,” you’re in the right place. But let me tell you: it is totally possible for you.

Can you IMAGINE knowing how to look put-together every single time you get dressed?


Since you’re here,
you probably feel...

Inclined to hide rather than be seen
Like you’re not sure what to wear to look your best

Unsure on staying current without constantly shopping (and like you have to keep up with those Kardashians!)

Stumped on your style
Frustrated by your closet

If you’re a woman with a FULL life, big dreams and desires, but your style seems to stay on the backburner…

If you wish you knew what looked good on your body instead of playing the overbuying guessing game…

If you want to feel confident balancing what’s current and timeless…

… then stick with me, and keep reading!

CHIC™ is the style method intentionally crafted to show women like you how to take control of your style, uplevel your image, and change your world because of it.

Sound like something you didn’t even know you needed? Trust me, there’s more.

Style Program

Maybe she’s the influencer who’s links you click on daily.

Maybe she’s the Mom who shows up to the drop-off line dressed instead of stressed.

Maybe she’s your sister-in-law or best college friend.

Maybe she’s a random woman at the coffee shop who you’d pay a compliment to if you didn’t feel like hiding.

But our influencer and inspiration culture tells us otherwise, doesn’t it?

“Shop this link! It looks good on EVERYONE.”
“This is a MUST-HAVE color for Summer.”
“Don’t know what to wear? Just look at Pinterest!”

When it only results in more consumption in the name of AIMING for someone we’re not even sure we want to be.

You know it when you see it, right?
That woman that makes you say to yourself, “If only I looked like that.”

The Comforting Truth:

We’ve all felt that way when we see a woman with style.

The HONEST Reality:

Buying what she has won’t make you look like she does.

Here’s the thing about that woman up above.

You don’t want her clothing, you want her confidence.

You want her style skill in knowing how to put together an outfit that *clicks*.
You want the head-turns you don’t even notice because you’re busy going after your dreams and looking absolutely stunning while doing it.

You want to know what to wear on a packed day spent with your kids.
You want to know how to dress for your big meeting.
You want to look effortlessly put together for girls’ night.

But what if you could become your own personal stylist?

And that’s what it REALLY means to be CHIC:
Seeing yourself as someone worthy of being seen and knowing exactly how to dress to make that your daily, inevitable reality.

There IS a way to stop living in envy of every woman with great style, thinking it’s not in the cards for you.

You can become your own personal stylist and never feel like you have tons of clothes and nothing to wear again. The CHIC™ Style Program is your ticket to go from “I wish I looked like that” to feeling the same confidence as those women you’re admiring from afar.

I’m Julie Kraus!

I’m out here IMPLORING women to believe they’re selling their potential short, simply because they don’t know how much upping their style game can actually change their life game.

It feels like a lifetime ago, but it’s only been 6 years since I began reinventing my self-image.

I know that sounds dramatic. And the transformation HAS BEEN dramatic. Wild. Unexpected. More than I ever imagined.

But it started with the courage to start seeing myself differently.

Unpopular Opinion:
Style is a skill. I had to learn it, too.

CHIC™ founder + image consultant

You know what happened next?

I remember the specific moment.
I was sitting in the audience at a big convention for the network marketing company I was a part of. I looked at the women on the stage, wide-eyed, and thought, “That’s what I want.” And instead of wallowing in envy thinking, “IF ONLY I could have that,” instead I had the audacity to think, “What if I COULD have that? What if that could be ME?”

I became one of the fastest growing leaders the company had ever seen. Just 1 year later, I was the #11 recruiter in the company. The following year, I was the #1 recruiter in the company. I gave the keynote speech at the exact conference where I sat in a stadium seat 2 years earlier, staring at the stage and dreaming just a little bigger than I thought possible. 

I became the exact woman I set my mind to be.

Not long after that, I decided that everything I ever wanted still wasn’t the ceiling for me. So after seeing other women building amazingly impactful online businesses, I took it a step further and began building my OWN brand. I went through intensive stylist and color analysis training to hone my craft, and began what is now CHIC™.

Since the moment I took action toward my dreams instead of resenting not being where I wanted, I’ve upleveled more times than I can count.

But each time I took a step higher, it required a reinvention of sorts.

It wasn’t about becoming someone I wasn’t.
It was about deciding to see myself for who I could be instead of who I wasn’t yet.

And when I finally took control of my image?
My whole world changed.

Since then I’ve helped hundreds of women through my own signature style method, CHIC™.

I’ve spoken on stages, including a keynote for a Fortune 500 company.

I’ve also become a Mom who’s comfortable in her own skin.

I’ve become a wife who’s husband constantly double-takes on date night.

I’ve stopped stressing about having my photo taken on vacation.

I look forward to girls’ nights and weddings and fun events because I know exactly how to look the way I want to feel.

Since then I’ve helped hundreds of women through my own signature style method, CHIC.
I’ve spoken on stages, including a keynote for a Fortune 500 company.
I’ve also become a Mom who’s comfortable in her own skin.
I’ve become a wife who’s husband constantly double-takes on date night.
I’ve stopped stressing about having my photo taken on vacation.
I look forward to girls’ nights and weddings and fun events because I know exactly how to look the way I want to feel.

And THAT, my friend, isn’t just self-care — it’s LIFE-care.

I believe you deserve that.
Do you?

When beginning your journey to becoming your own best style inspiration, our FIRST step is to wipe the slate clean. In Module 1 we will build the vision that sets the tone for your style, show you how to create clarity surrounding that vision, and dive into your closet by showing you what to purge, what to keep, what items are must-haves in your wardrobe.

You’ll walk away equipped with strategies to help you take back ownership of your closet and how you feel getting dressed day-to-day.

I even walk you through how to create your OWN lookbook, like your very own personal stylist!

Inside this step, we will:
- Develop your unique style vision and style statement
- Uncover how habits play a role in your style and success
- Cleanse your closet with your newfound clarity on your style

In Module 2, my goal is to help you never feel like your body is missing the mark inside your outfit again. Clothes can help you look stunningly magnetic, but that can only happen when you know how to dress for YOUR body.

You’ll walk away with the confidence and knowledge to turn away clothes from your closet that aren’t your best fit and make room for the wardrobe that showcases your magic.

It’s important to note that your body shape is not “petite, tall, plus” or anything like that. BUT, in this module I do also give you tips and tricks you can use if you fall into one of those categories as well.

Inside this step, we will:
- Determine your body shape (that doesn’t depend on size!)
- Deep dive into exactly how to dress your shape (fit, cut, fabric)
- Discover your formula for looking and feeling magnetic

Ever wish you had that effortlessly stylish quality? Well, here’s the thing: It’s not a trait or a quality, it’s a skill. And it’s one I teach you inside Module 3. You’ll learn how to create “put together” looks that give you those “wait, who is SHE?” double-takes reserved for the women who know exactly who they are and show up to truly own it.

You’ll walk away knowing how to put your clothing items together into outfits that look like they were made for you, showcase your personality, and accentuate your best assets.

Inside this step, we will:
- Learn to balance your proportions for that “effortlessly chic” feel
- Find out what you can camouflage and exactly how to do it
- Pinpoint your colors and contrast so you can nail outfits with ease

Module 4 is where you get to step into perfecting looks for the “WOW” factor you want and truly become your own best style inspiration (aka - your own personal stylist!). You’ll learn how to perfect looks and shop strategically so you love getting dressed each day and your closet makes you feel like a kid in a candy story.

You’ll walk away with an idea of how to bring your style vision to life through the pieces you have, intentional shopping, and effortless outfit-creation, giving you the “YES!” feeling when you look in the mirror each morning.

Inside this step, we will:
- Transform you into your own personal stylist
- Cover layers, shoes, bags, jewelry, and how to make it all just work
- Construct your signature style + mindset for strategic shopping



My signature style method is designed to help you nail your style and build a wardrobe that supports the life you dream of creating.

Go from stumped on your style
→ to simply standout in how you show up.


Ever wish you had a Stylist in your back pocket to give you custom feedback on outfits, specific suggestions suited for you, help determine if an item is dated, or help you style an outfit to compliment your body shape? Twice a month our Master Stylist, Julie, offers group coaching calls so you can ask your personalized questions for any clarity or guidance you want or need. (1 year access)



Ready for endless outfit ideas at your disposal so that you never feel stumped or bored with your closet? That’s exactly what we provide in the Outfit Vault! We have you covered for every season and every occasion. That means you can have endless inspiration for ideas on how to wear what you already have in your closet, or what staples might be a good idea to add. (Lifetime access)

BONUS: Seasonal
Trend-Setter Reports

Say “goodbye” to the confusion of trying to figure out what’s “in style” and how to add it to YOUR style, without constantly trying to keep up with trends. This feature of CHIC is a simplified, seasonal breakdown of what’s showing up in fashion and updated silhouettes. I also talk through how to adapt them to your unique body, goals, style, and lifestyle so you can keep things fresh without breaking the bank or making you look like a try-hard teeny-bopper. Get ready to be a trend-SETTER. (1 year access)

BONUS: Seasonal Stylist-Curated Shopping Guides

We want to help you press the easy button on shopping. Wishing a stylist would just shop for you? Gotcha covered! The Seasonal Shopping Guide is a curated selection of 100+ picks from our Master Stylist, Julie. You’ll also get a video walkthrough of ideas for styling each piece for your body type, from casual tops to bags to accessories and workwear - and everything in between! (1 year access)

Warning: This is NOT an influencer haul.
My shopping guides are filled with a balance between timeless pieces and harnessing trends, and will help you select what will fill a hole in your closet for a seasonal refresh. This is not just “Julie’s favorites!”

Another warning: you’re probably not prepared for how deep we dive into creating these resources. Grab a glass of wine and settle in for a bit of LIFE-CARE!


Style extends beyond our closet and expands into the office, our social media profiles, and even the Zoom room. Style icons build their personal brand image with intention. In the Brand Image Intensive, we help you do just that by covering how to show up online and behind the camera as the face of your personal brand. You’ll find out how to create a magnetic presence that gets you noticed, on and offline. (Lifetime access)

These extras help you take what you learn in the CHIC 4-step method and make them so simple to apply, it’s impossible not to see results.


When you choose to take part in our CHIC VIP track (our most popular package!), you’ll get some celebrity-level services to make things even more personalized to your journey.

What if you could become your OWN personal stylist
in as little as a few short weeks?


"I have full blown panic attacks before photoshoots and it’s why I hardly do them ever. I’m just not confident in the getting dressed and the putting together outfits part. I hate it so much. The last one I had I hired a Stylist. This time, after CHIC™, I had ordered pieces you had suggested in the Shopping Guides… and I had 2 hours to pull the outfits together. I feel SO amazing, so confident, it’s a great palette, everything looks so good on me, I’m so excited, and I actually feel like I don’t need a Stylist because I’m my own Stylist now!"

- Megan

 “I no longer allow things into my closet that don't fit me or my style vision. Finally it's not about what's wrong with me when something doesn't work. Instead it's about the clothes being wrong for the woman I'm becoming, and that feels FREEING.”


Join the waitlist!

Listen, I had a shopping PROBLEM. I mean overspending EVERY month and still having nothing to wear in my closet. Now that I have my very own style vision, I have HIGH FREAKING STANDARDS for what I buy because I know who I'm becoming and what pieces in my closet I'm missing within that vision. I no longer get distracted by try-on hauls. Turns out being OBSESSED with my own style vision is actually saving me hundreds every single month.” - Jess

"This is a life changing experience!"

The clarity and freedom that I’ve felt around getting dressed in the last few weeks has resulted in my husband giving me the eye; friends, family, and strangers complimenting what I’ve put together; and most importantly, feeling confident being bold, bright, and happily “me”.



This is perfect for you if…

You want to know what looks best on you

You’re ready to learn how to put together elevated outfits effortlessly

You want to increase your confidence

You’re tired of wasting money on clothes and you want to buy intentionally

You have goals to hit and you want your style to match

You want to finally figure out your style in a way that *clicks*

If that sounds like “too good to be true” to you, I’m here to tell you it can be your reality when you join us in CHIC.


"Before CHIC™, my purchases were never this intentional. Now the outfit combinations feel endless. I can easily see how I can wear pieces in multiple ways and in different seasons. I can pick out a killer statement top like nobody's business, but now my whole outfit game is coming together. And people are noticing."

- Lori


If any version of that is running through your head, I want to ease your worries by talking you through some specifics that I know can feel difficult to wrap your head around.

My favorite thing is to help busy women with lots to do blow their own minds with how different it feels to WANT to get dressed everyday. So let’s dig into the details.

That sounds amazing,
but I don’t think it’ll work for ME.

I’ve heard almost everything:
“What if I’m not skinny?”
“What if I’m super petite?”
“What if my body is
in a transitional period?”
“What if I don’t look like an influencer?”

Style is not reserved for the skinny, fit, or perfect bodies of the world.

CHIC™ is not a course on “how Julie dresses,” it’s a program devoted to helping you learn the principles of style that help ANYONE look their best. Then you can apply it to your unique body, specific desires and goals for your life, and current day-to-day circumstances to craft a wardrobe and style that helps you show up as YOUR best (not someone else’s version of best).

In CHIC™, I teach timeless skills to help you understand your shape, regardless of weight. You will be able to easily and quickly decide on your body shape and determine attributes you want to highlight and what you want to camouflage. From there, you’ll know how to dress YOUR best, no matter your pants size or what you ate over the holidays.

LESSON #1 is: your SIZE is not your body shape or type. It’s my personal mission to help as many women understand that truth as possible.

“Will this work for my body type?”

The simple answer here is this:
You probably have NO idea how much you’re spending on random purchases that feel like they’ll solve everything, only to still make you feel style-stumped. When you buy something that looks phenomenal on someone else (even if it’s a “good deal”), you’re essentially throwing money in the trash without knowing if it will work on YOU.

And what about the emotional damages that ensue when you’re constantly buying something you thought would look great and IT DOESN’T? Something must be wrong with you, right? WRONG.

Lastly, I’m a firm believer that calling style “self-care” is a crazy reduction of the power of your image on both yourself and the people around you. I’ve shown you through my own story that style is LIFE-CARE, and I’m confident that if you take the courageous step in the CHIC direction, more things will shift for you than you know are possible right now.

“How can I justify spending this much on self-care?”

It might be a cliche, but this is your story. You get to throw a plot twist at any time. Even if you don’t currently identify as someone who has great style, the fact that you’re here tells me it’s something you do want for yourself.
The CHIC Method isn’t just about clothing, it’s about deciding who you want to be and making sure your image matches up with that. And that starts by being willing to change how you see yourself. Shifting your identity isn’t about changing who you are, it’s about shifting the story you tell yourself about who you are. And I’m here to help you do that through what you wear, and watch it ripple out to every other area of your life before you know it.

“I’m not someone who’s stylish.”

I know it seems like buying exactly what someone else tells you to is the easy way out. And I know it feels like you’re being frugal when whatever you buy is on sale or under $50.

But can you imagine how much easier it would be to get dressed if you didn’t have to sift through your Amazon or Memorial Weekend Sale graveyard of a closet?

How would it feel to step into your closet and know that everything looks amazing on you and helps you show up as the woman you’re truly aiming to be.

Ultimately, overconsumption culture has made it easy for us to buy, but EVEN HARDER for us to get dressed. This results in “getting a deal” only for it to end up hanging in your closet and making you feel like you’re the problem. Hear me when I say: THE CHIC WAY IS BETTER.

“I shop Amazon hauls to keep it simple and cheap.”

"I think the biggest difference I see is the CONFIDENCE because I feel so much better in what I am wearing!!!!!"

- Callie

I mean, you’ve been doing it your entire life. It’s hard to imagine that investing in something could actually result in:

Actually SAVING you money 💰
Giving you back your brainspace 🧠
Opening doors in your life that you never thought possible ✨

Getting dressed, building your wardrobe, and constructing your image The CHIC Way really can do that for you.

I would be SO honored to show you how.

I know it’s hard to imagine that there’s a better way to do something like getting dressed.



Style isn’t just business, it’s personal.

Here’s what women are asking before they join CHIC™ to see if it’s a good fit.

Is this program a good fit for me if I’m a stay
at home mom and
not currently working?

It sure is! This program is for any woman who wants to take control of her style and curate a closet she loves to put outfits together easily for day to day life, date night, and anything in between!

I’m very busy and
I’m worried about
how much time this will take.

The material in this program is delivered immediately upon enrollment and you will have lifetime access to go through the modules on your own time to accommodate very full schedules.

Will this program help me if I have a brand/business I share online?

Absolutely! You’ll not only take control of your personal style, but you’ll hone in on your brand image as well as how your brand extends into your marketing to build your online presence!

Is this a good fit if I work in a corporate setting?

Definitely. You will learn how to curate a wardrobe that functions for you both for the office and in your personal life so you can feel magnetic, build your brand within your company, and create more attention and influence as a result!

I’m on a weight loss journey. Should I wait until after I’ve lost weight to enroll?

Absolutely not! You will learn timeless information to start showing up with style confidence now AND as your body changes through a weight loss journey. Waiting for your body to look a certain way before investing in you is a mentality that keeps many women in the same place for way too long - let’s change that.

How do you address specific body types in a group program?

There are many components to your body. In the program, we treat each element as a separate building block. For each different component of your body, there is a different lesson built around that for you to watch if it applies to you. I guide you through the process to identify your body shape and to the corresponding lessons. If you are petite, there is a lesson for that. If you are busty, there is a lesson for that. If you have a short torso - there is a lesson for that. (just to name a few!) Once we combine each element - that’s when you nail your style. Every single woman’s body is addressed in this program. Your body isn’t hard to dress - and once you learn the components of dressing for your body - you’ll change your outlook on that :)

What if I’m a style beginner?

This program is perfect for you to take you from beginning - to style mastery!

What if I have decent style, but want to learn more — is CHIC™ a good fit?

Absolutely. We have women in the program who are trained Stylists & Image Consultants who simply wanted to learn even more, while working on evolving their own image! 

What do I have lifetime access to when I join?

The CHIC Method, The Outfit Vault, and The Brand Image Intensive

If I join on the VIP track, how long do I have access to Shopping Guides and Seasonal Trend-Setter Reports bonuses?

For one year! If you want to renew your yearly VIP membership you will have access to both for another year, along with another year of access to coaching. 

If I choose the VIP payment plan, do I still get access to the entire program immediately?

Yep, you sure do!

What if I want to do VIP, but I’m not sure if I can make the support calls?

The calls are all recorded and uploaded to your portals to watch or listen back as your time allows! You can submit your questions beforehand to be answered on the calls regardless of whether or not you can make them live.

If I join DIY now, can I upgrade to VIP if I decide to later on?

Absolutely. You can upgrade at any time, easily, with a quick checkout link we have for you right inside of your portal!

What price points do your recommendations fall into?

Anywhere from $15 to designer - depending on what you're looking for! The average price of a piece inside the shopping guide is around $50, with many pieces less, and some more depending on the longevity they'll have in your wardrobe and how much wear you'll get out of the item. Some items are worth investing more in - and some aren't! If I'm sourcing a specific piece for you for one of our monthly support calls I stay within whatever price point your budget allows. You also may find yourself more willing to invest because you find you’re actually WEARING what you buy like you never have before.

Can I join if I’m an aspiring stylist?

Of course! We even have Stylists and Color Analysts inside the program to learn even more about style to better serve their clients and hone in on their own brand image!

Becoming more organized
Cutting down scrolling
Getting a promotion
Making more sales in your business
Better relationships
Advocating for yourself and loved ones
Commitment to meal prepping
Constant compliments
The Husband Double-Take
Social dread → a calendar packed with fun
Saving money
LOVING getting dressed

I know these might sound like WEIRD results from a style program.

Here’s the point:
You have no idea what true confidence might unlock in your life.
(The confidence that comes from a style you’re OBSESSED with.)

Actually a lot! I’ve got the feedback to prove it.
While I would never claim any woman’s success who goes through CHIC™, I do know that this program has been a catalyst for holistic change in hundreds of womens’ lives.

Side effects of CHIC™ may include →


 (& social media addiction)

"I was kind of feeling yuck and I work from home so no one really sees me. I had to take a hard look at myself and ask why I just did not have the energy or drive and finally got around to the “I don’t really feel cute” and “I am not portraying confidence or professionalism even to myself”. So, I changed it up and now I actually stop the people who compliment me and give them my card and ask them to contact me for coffee and three of them have. That is such a big step of self confidence for me."

- Kelley


Is your style secretly stealing these from you?

Meaningful moments?
The most meaningful moments were meant to be enjoyed, but as women we often DREAD having our photos taken on vacation, at the pool with our kids, or for big events because we don’t feel proud of how we look.


What if you could take them back simply by reinventing your style?

Big-Swing Potential?
If you’re here, you’re most likely a busy woman who has big hopes for her life. If you don’t feel your best, you’re counting yourself out of BIG OPPORTUNITIES that could be yours if you felt confident enough to go after them.

Never miss a meaningful moment because you’re so confident in how you look.

The best relationships?
The best relationships are formed when we allow ourselves to be FULLY known and completely seen. If you’re hiding in your style, you might be subconsciously hiding elsewhere. Allowing yourself to be seen changes things.

Women who end up in CHIC™ aim to show up in a big way. Whether it’s holding your own in the boardroom, building a brand online, showing your kids confidence, loving your style will lead to an effortless increase in visibility.

Brain Space?
How much of your thoughts are taken up by how you look. Oddly enough, becoming obsessed with your style and MASTERING your look will actually FREE your mind from laboring over your outfits + image missing the mark.

Building a Life you Love?
Add ALL of these up, and you’ll see how hiding in your style is keeping you from building the life you dream of. You’re counting yourself out, saying you’ll go for that later, instead of feeling ready + able to go after what you want right now.

Go after the impossible because you believe in yourself and how you show up.

Feel seen in relationships because you know who you are and are safe to show it.

Show up BIG and GET VISIBLE, knowing your image matches how you want to be seen.

Start using your brain for meaningful pursuits instead of stressing over your look.

Step into DREAMS as REALITY. Your world changes when you reinvent how you see yourself.

I hope it’s clear at this point, but this is about so much more than clothing.
But it also makes getting dressed super easy.

Deciding a style that feels great isn’t just for the select few.
And watching how it changes your life from the outside to the inside and back again in a way that nobody will be able to ignore.

Will you take that small step and join us?

It’s about showing up

You can truly have BOTH, because...